How is it possible to recreate a bond with one’s heart and return its status and responsibilities of the Inner Adviser which is incorruptible, sometimes takes offence, though never lies?
The man has always had one of the most powerful instruments of his/her consciousness: this is breathing, an ability to inhale the air element together with energy that can be transformed and changed with the help of consciousness presented us by God. This is not self-explanatory – those are God’s great gifts given to us.
How should you practise this? You could peacefully calm down. Be moderate; do not force yourself and do not over try. Sit down and tell yourself that you will be breathing smoothly (making inhales and exhales the same length), inhaling the air through your nose by connected and flowing breathing (without holding the air).One of the conditions is for you to inhale the air through your nose and at the same time imagine that you inhale your heart with the air force – at first imagine a stream of unconditional love around your heart, which flows to you from the Lord’s Spiritual Heart.
You may analyze this in your mind, be under delusion or wonder: “I don’t understand anything”. But, otherwise, you may just practise. Please, be seated calmly and peacefully and breathe. Tell yourself: “I inhale unconditional love into my heart and surround it with this light. I inhale unconditional love – I exhale unconditional love”. At that moment you should imagine a tender, immensely light and rippling light of unconditional love coming towards your heart and at once embracing it in a very tender way.
Do not rush to “ram” your heart by any energy or light. At first, feel if your heart allows you to approach it and then speak to it this language of energy: “I inhale unconditional love, I exhale unconditional love”. At first, embrace your heart with this unconditional light and love. Then, if your heart lets you in and wants to speak with you, very carefully inhale the light of unconditional love into the very heart. At the same time inhale the oxygen into your body through your nose. When you sit, with the inhale say: “I inhale unconditional love into my heart” and imagine how a flow of tender light, a flow of energy full of substance of unconditional love runs to your heart and fills it up with light. Then, when you exhale, imagine how sorrows, smoke-like dirt, negativity and darkness leave your heart. Breathe like this in a tender, peaceful and patient way.
Be patient to yourself and your heart if you want it to want to speak with you too and become your Inner Adviser. Be patient to your adviser and respect it. Inhale the light of unconditional love into your heart and fill it up with this light. When you exhale, imagine that you breathe out your sorrows (they can be very old, hundreds of years old or coming from many previous lives). Breathe like this for some time. After a while, you will feel as if (as it is said): “a burden will have fallen from your heart”. If you force this, you may feel a pain in your heart and this would mean that you are too hasty, force your heart and need more caution. If you are patient in this practice, you will feel your heart in a new way: as if it was a sacred space. You will begin feeling a response from the space in your heart’s light, and then you will have not only the voice of your conscience but also you will simply little by little get a response from your heart – as a constant inner voice that talks to you not only at times of tests but also communicates with you constantly. You have to be worth of regular dialogue.