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The Moon is positioned in its own dwelling, in the kingdom of The Moon, in the water element.

Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters the sign of Cancer, it rules in its own dwelling and takes care of subconsciousness, mothers, mothers-to-be, and babies. It protects traditions, home, family, and water. Emotional sensitivity and intuition sharpen during this period. People experience the increasing need of tenderness and safety. This period is suitable to take care of the family, home, traditions, and kindred. It is necessary to honor mothers and women. Emotions are full of whims and touchiness. The complex ‘I am a victim’ becomes especially strong. Many people experience a wish to hide from others and feel safe. Therefore this time is suitable for family life. We experience an urge to take care of someone or to feel as if we are children to be cared about. Provide each other with intimacy, emotional support, and honesty. Honor your parents. Visit the burial-ground of your ancestors. Go deeper into the history of your kindred and country.

Work. This period is successful to psychologists, educators, family practicians, and all persons who have a strong instinct of motherly care. These days are also favorable for all whose work is linked to intuition, emotional expression, women, babies, foodstuffs, home, and liquids (especially milk). This position of the Moon is too sentimental, irrational, feminine, and emotional for male professions.

Finances and valuables. Possible successful transactions of real estate, but agreements are often too emotional and based on fears and suspicion. This period is favorable to obtain goods linked to motherhood and babies. You may also purchase comfortable things for your home. This sign lacks an exceptional financial power. Money is stored easier than it comes or leaves.

Love. Neither passion nor words nurture love during this period. Tenderness is the key quality now. Aim to show care, tenderness, and compassion. Give your beloved one a stroke after receiving permission to do this. Then the love will bloom and you will experience its gratitude. It is especially important to show trust and emotional support, because feelings are tender and modest. Vulgarity, rush, and even a small manifestation of rudeness may destroy relations. The future course of relationship can not be foreseen, because it is too sensitive and mysterious.

Health. Your health depends on your mood and the reactions of others. Sensitive parts: stomach, breasts, and lymph. It is advisable to drink more liquids, because dry food will negatively influence your stomach. Ulcers flare up. This period is successful to treat spine, bones, joints, teeth, and skin. You can also successfully apply procedures, which help to eliminate salts from your organism.

Children. Children expect sensitivity and tenderness on these days. They want to feel safe. They will extremely painfully react to any scolding and critical remark. They need to feel that they have a family and parents who live in harmony. Therefore be together. A child has to gain a positive experience of a family life. They may have hysterics if they do not receive enough attention. Ask them to tidy up the rooms. Teach them to cook and to do needlework. Teach boys to perform masculine tasks at home. Allow them to take care of pets and flowers. Ask them to comb your hair or beard, to polish your shoes, to go to the shop, and to take care of the grandparents. A child has to experience that he is also a caregiver who is pleased to have his home.