Work with Affirmation “Everything will be all right”
I have once said, slightly with humor that there is a very powerful Lithuanian mantra; an affirmation: “Everything is and will be all right”. It is a mantra in a sense that this can be a sentence, phrase, attitude or program of power that comes into your life and creates your future.
An affirmation, thought or postulate are very powerful if you know how to work with them. Why? Because a thought, word, phrase or affirmation according to their vibration are higher than substance and, thus, we can change the material reality with them. If you try to repeat some phrase or a postulate, many of you may feel strange: spinning head, pressure in the top of your head, a strange wish to lie down and unwillingness to continue repeating. Why is this so? The reason is that such sentence is a program; it becomes a program after a longer repetition. It hides a certain understanding about the world and when we sincerely repeat the sentence, it begins interacting with plenty of other programs, affirmations and situations or experiences that state: “Nonsense, this cannot be so. How can it be all right when it’s not? How will it be all right if it cannot happen so?” So, through this postulate you start interacting with a lot of other programs in your body of energy that deny the postulate. Some people will have a more severe and dramatic interaction. Others will have a quieter work.
What should you do if you start repeating this phrase and all of sudden you do not want it anymore because of distrust, fear or even a headache? It would be good for you to have some rest and give some time for integration. Even a short repetition of such phrase will definitely give results. This program simply attempts to find a place in your structures and this needs space and time. Calmly sit or lie down and let vibrations of the postulate: “Everything is and will be all right” peacefully adapt to all structures of yours.
If you immediately leave this saying: “Oh, it’s nonsense, I won’t do anything, because nothing can change…”, then other mantras could be ignored by you in the same way without any results… Anyway, you can feel results coming little by little. If you recite and wait until the commotion in the level of energies easies and a small peace of the postulate’s light anchors in you; and if after a while you come back to this affirmation, then it will be able to get stronger and live more peacefully in your structures and your astral and karmic bodies.