People are often in ill relation with space, with the air element, even if they do not realize this. It can be said that, thus, their air element is disharmonious. Such cases show that at the moment of their birth planets in the air signs are most often negatively marked.
Well, now, you can say, how can a human have an argument with the air? You can argue with your neighbor or wife, but with the air or space…
Air or space is a broad thing. Most of the time of our lives, when we are not in water or under the ground, we are in the air, in space. The argument, disharmony, fear or anger on the air element can be formed in different ways. For instance, if a person fell from high above or if he/she was in situations when there was fear, frightening distance or height, then his/her fear forms into that spacing or space that separates him/her from something or somebody. This often happens unconsciously when disharmonious relationship is formed through anger, pain or suffering. Such argument with space or distance sometimes happens when beloved people are separated and then they think: ‘Why can’t I reach that person? We are separated by such a distance; we are separated by such a big space and big interval. I’m angry with this.’
What could be done to harmonize your relation with space? You may simply encourage yourself to like the wind (not necessarily a storm; it may be a light wind – air flow). When the weather is good, go outside to a place where there is a lot of air and sky, stand there simply breathing and feel the wind: breathe it. Tell yourself: ‘I love the wind, I am in harmony with it and I can feel its beauty and goodness.’
You may inhale in this calm breathing and say: ‘I make peace with the air, I make peace with the space and I love it’. When you breathe, feel not your physical body or separate things but the space that surrounds you. Feel yourself in the space and this can be a very jolly and new relation. When you breathe, feel the sky above you: its immensity and breadth. Feel the air as the space, which can easily contain everything, and which seems empty and can have everything inside. A virtue of the air element is to give us freedom of movement.
When you breathe, feel the freedom of the air element and beauty of that freedom. The air element is related to communication, words, intellect and also to forgiveness and tolerance. Take it easy. Feel lightness, freedom and tolerance of the space (for instance, the element of earth is opposing to the element of air: heavy, concrete and passive; which is binding and can fall). So this is the mystery of the air element.
You can perceive a lot of things when you breathe. You may say: ‘I’m friends with the space, I inhale the air and I’m friends with it; I can feel it flowing in myself. The World’s information flows into me together with the air and I exhale information about myself; I merge, communicate and am friends with the space.’ You can send a message via the wind: this is the good feature of the air element. Well, you may say that those are fantasies, but I suggest trying. You may sometimes experience incredible processes, changes and be surprised or even stunned, thus, do this in a calm, wise and moderate way. Practise in a calm way. Practise and listen to processes and responses; wait and then practise again. Moderation is one of virtues.
Here is a practice to develop moderation. Go to a shop and enjoy the feeling of moderation in yourself, instead of exceeding the limit of shopping. Here I am walking and observing: ‘Ha, I can do without this and that. I can look at everything through the aspect of moderation.’ You can do the same with the sphere of feelings and relationship. Become an observer for at least a day or a few hours. Enjoy this role and function. Feel the kind of virtues coming from this new position. This is very interesting. In the end, you can develop your sense of time, punctuality and feel when the cycle begins and switches on. You can program yourself and observe: ‘It’s so and so o’clock. I stimulate myself to feel the cycle and ask of inner impulse to show when the hour is coming to an end. Can I feel this? Can I switch myself on, for instance, an hour later into a new cycle?’ Later try again. There are interesting things as far as time and sense of cycles are concerned. This can give us an ability to sense the dawn, our own cycles or can help to develop punctuality and feel the flow of time.